How to use Grotek feeding charts- Alchimia Grow Shop

Any cannabis grower with some experience knows that choosing the right fertilizers for your plants plays a crucial role in the development and health of the crop. Among the numerous options available on the market, the Canadian company Grotek stands out as a brand recognized for its commitment to quality and innovation in the field of nutrients for cannabis, as well as for the great results offered by its fertilizers and stimulators.

With a wide range of products designed specifically for different stages of plant development, Grotek offers growers reliable and effective tools to optimize their harvests. In this article, we will explore Grotek’s nutrition charts, detailing recommended dosages and providing a practical guide to maximizing cannabis plant performance using these fertilizers and additives.

 The Canadian brand Grotek presents several solutions for plant fertilization for all types of growers
The Canadian brand Grotek presents several solutions for plant fertilization for all types of growers

Grotek Product Range

As you will see below, Grotek presents 4 ranges of fertilizers depending on the type of base fertilizer used for each of them: Solo-Tek, Precision, Green Line, and Impact. In addition to these 4 base fertilizers, Grotek offers a series of effective stimulators and additives for all phases of cultivation, from the first stages of vegetative growth to flowering, where plants must have everything they need to provide the yields that we all expect from them. Let’s see the main characteristics of each of these ranges:

Grotek Solo-Tek

These fertilizers come from a formulation based on mineral elements and organic matter, and consist of a fertilizer for the growth phase – Solo-Tek Grow (NPK 6-3-7) and another for the flowering phase, Solo-Tek Bloom ( NPK 3-8-8). In this way, Grotek makes it easy and proposes a range where you will only have to use a base fertilizer for each stage of the plant, although if you want to obtain truly spectacular results we advise you to combine them with the additives recommended in the Solo-Tek cultivation table. Once you see the results, you won’t regret it!

Grotek Precision

If you want to refine the amount of macro and micronutrients you provide to your plants, the Grotek Precision range of 3-part fertilizers allows you greater control over the plants’ diet. Precision consists of 3 different base fertilizers that are combined in different proportions depending on the life stage of the plants. Thus, we have Precision Grow (base growth fertilizer with an NPK 3-1-4), Precision Bloom (for flowering, with an NPK 0-6-4), and Precision Micro (rich in microelements and with an NPK of 4-0 -2). As in the previous case, the best results will be achieved by using these fertilizers together with the Grotek stimulators, as indicated in the cultivation table.

 Grotek has a wide range of fertilizers and additives for all types of crops
Grotek has a wide range of fertilizers and additives for all types of crops

Grotek Green Line

This is a line of fertilizers made up of organic-based products, specially formulated for lovers of organic cannabis cultivation. As in the rest of the cases, these are highly concentrated products and really easy to use. Similar to the previous case, this range consists of 3 products that act as a base fertilizer: Core (NPK 3-2-3), Micro Power (2-0-2), and Vital, a high-quality supplement rich in Calcium. They are complemented with additives such as Root Force, GrowthMax, Rype, Black Pearl, and Synergy.

Grotek Impact

Finally, this range of nutrients consists of 2 two-part fertilizers (A+B), one for the growth phase and the other for flowering, in what is usually the classic formulation for fertilizers intended for cultivation in coconut or hydroponics. These are quickly assimilated fertilizers with ratios of macro and micronutrients designed to obtain an explosive development of the plants, whether it is the growth phase or the flowering phase.

Grotek Stimulators and Additives

  • Vitamax Pro: An extra contribution of organic matter that improves development in all phases of cultivation. NPK 1-1-1.
  • Bud Fuel Pro: Improves the availability of nutrients in the substrate for explosive flowering. NPK 1-3-4.
  • Monster Bloom: Powerful PK supplement rich in phosphorus and potassium for flower fattening. NPK 0-50-30.
  • Heavy Bud Pro: Improved aroma and flavor by increasing metabolism, sugar content, essential oils and key metabolites. NPK 1-0-3.
  • Pro-Silicate: Formulated for hydroponics, it is rich in potash and silica, improving the resistance of plants to stress. NPK 0-0-4.
  • GroSilic: Excellent source of silicon in liquid format for rapid absorption by plants, also used as a wetting agent.
  • Root Force: Powerful root growth stimulator that also protects against sources of stress such as drought. NPK 2-0-3.
  • GrowthMax: Cold-processed kelp extract rich in mineral and organic elements. NPK 0.1-0.9.
  • Rype: Formulated for the final phase of the flowering stage, providing maximum fattening and density of the flowers. NPK: 3-0-0.
  • Black Pearl: Blend of biochar, volcanic rock dust, low molecular weight humates and seaweed to improve soil. NPK 0-0-1.
  • Synergy: Cocktail of beneficial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) that enter into synergy with the roots and improve nutrition while protecting plants against attacks by pathogenic fungi.
  • Final Flush: Formulated to eliminate excess fertilizer salts in the final stages of the flowering stage, improving aroma and flavor.
How to water cannabis plants in hydroponic systems ?

How to water cannabis plants in hydroponic systems ?

In this post we’ll show you the main differences between the diverse hydroponic and aeroponic growing systems, as well as how to adjust the irrigation of these growing systems according to the needs of each grower.

Grotek Grow Tables

Below we present the 4 cultivation tables that Grotek proposes for its different product ranges, which we have already seen previously. As you can see, what would be the first week of flowering (pre-flowering) appears in blue, while the flowering itself appears in red, with a total of 1 week of pre-flowering and 8 of flowering, 9 in total. If your plants take longer, simply repeat the dosages from week 7 as many times as necessary and always leave the last week of cultivation only with Final Flush.

The same for the growth period; In case of maintenance of mother plants or if you want to give your plants a longer vegetative period, follow the instructions for the third week of growth (green color) reducing the dose of nutrients a little, so that the EC remains at 1.2-1.4 approximately. Remember that these values and doses are intended for the use of reverse osmosis water; If you use tap water with a higher starting EC, it is best to reduce the doses indicated in each table a little until you reach the indicated EC values.

Finally, keep in mind that the doses are not indicated per liter of water but per US gallon, which is about 3.8 liters. However, and if you have an EC meter, you can follow the instructions regarding electroconductivity as a reference, which you will find under the list of products in the same table.

Grotek Solo-Tek

 Growing table for the Grotek Solo-Tek range
Growing table for the Grotek Solo-Tek range

As you can see, Grotek recommends using the base growth fertilizer, Solo-Tek Grow, throughout the entire vegetative development phase and also during the first week of flowering, already with a 12/12 photoperiod. It also gives you the correct values for each of the two silicon-rich additives you can use, Pro-Silicate and GroSilic; Remember that you should only use one of them, not both at the same time! No matter how long the flowering phase lasts, remember to always finish it with a final week adding only Final Flush.

Grotek Precision

 Grotek Precision Grow Chart
Grotek Precision Grow Chart

In this case, the base fertilizers Precision Grow, precision Bloom, and Precision Micro will be used throughout the crop, varying the dose of each depending on the week. As in the previous case, you must choose one of the two proposed silicon sources and keep in mind that the doses are indicated for the use of water purified with a reverse osmosis filter, with an initial EC close to 0.

Grotek Green Line

 Grotek Green Line growing table
Grotek Green Line growing table

If you are going to use Grotek’s organic range, remember that you will add the 3 base nutrients throughout the crop, in the same way as you have seen with the Precision range. Since it is an organic crop, it is not necessary to use Final Flush, so during the last week it will only be necessary to water with water. Also remember to use Black Pearl after each transplant prior to the flowering phase, as well as adding Synergy once a week according to the indicated dose.

Grotek Impact

 Grotek Impact growing table
Grotek Impact growing table

Finally, the Impact range consists of two two-part base fertilizers, Impact Grow A and Impact Grow B for growth and pre-flowering, and Impact Bloom A and Impact Bloom B for the flowering phase. Otherwise, the majority of additives used are the same as those you have seen in the Solo-Tek and Precision ranges, although as you can see the EC values are somewhat higher in the case of Impact, normal considering that, in this case, we talk about hydro or aeroponics.

As always, feel free to leave your questions or advice in the comments section. You may have found an alternative combination of nutrients and additives that works wonders for you, or perhaps you want to comment on one of the products…make yourself at home!

Happy harvest!

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