Cannabis crops gone wrong- Alchimia Grow Shop

Welcome to the dark side of cannabis cultivation! In this “journey of horrors” that we propose to you in today’s article we are going to explore some of the mistakes or problems that have led some growers to experience cannabis crops that could be called, so to speak, less than ideal.

From experiments with fertilizers to disasters of epic proportions in the grow room or outdoors, today we will look at several examples of true, sometimes even baffling, nonsense from the world of cannabis cultivation. Get ready to laugh, learn, and perhaps feel a little empathy for those who have faced the vicissitudes of growing our beloved plant!

Sometimes things don't go as planned
Sometimes things don’t go as planned

Cultivation failures: an eternal source of knowledge

That a crop does not go as you expected is something that no one likes, although as in many other aspects of life, it can always be understood as an excellent opportunity to learn and improve. Or as a sort of guide to what NOT to do when growing cannabis. Or, simply and as we will do today, take it philosophically and have some laughs watching authentic cannabis nonsense.

Social networks and internet forums are an excellent way to get in touch with other growers and, if you need it, ask for advice on cultivation or the status of your plants. Well, on many occasions, and as you will see today, the funniest thing of all does not lie in the photo itself, but in the question or statement that accompanies it.

The images you are about to see may offend the sensibilities of the most diligent and dedicated growers…you have been warned!

Revegetation, that paranormal phenomenon

For a cannabis plant to flower properly, it needs a certain number of hours of nighttime per day. If, once flowering has begun, this number of hours decreases, the plants may regain their vegetative state, in what is known as revegetation. You probably knew all this, but you would be surprised by the number of people who are unaware of it and literally hallucinate when they see their plants behaving unexpectedly…

Although it may seem to you that your plant is transforming into a vegetable worthy of a Lovecraft story, it is only revegetating
Although it may seem to you that your plant is transforming into a vegetable worthy of a Lovecraft story, it is only revegetating

Performance problems?

You put everything on your side to set up your brand new indoor crop, you use the best fertilizers and phytosanitary products, supplements rich in phosphorus and potassium, and you have fully controlled key parameters such as ambient temperature and humidity. And, in the end, everything for what? For this? Oh, really?

One thing is clear: this weed is not going to win any cannabis competition
One thing is clear: this weed is not going to win any cannabis competition

Low temperatures give more resin

Yes, cannabis is usually planted in spring, so the plants will begin to flower in mid-summer and finish flowering in autumn. Many growers believe that if plants are cooled during the last phase of flowering, more resin will be produced. That’s what this user must have thought, although the best of all is his question: ” Is it ready for harvest ?” Well…what it is is frozen!

If you ever see any of your plants like this, it's probably time to harvest
If you ever see any of your plants like this, it’s probably time to harvest

Whims of cannabis morphology

From time to time, when germinating seeds, you may have come across a somewhat “strange” specimen that does not develop a growth or flowering pattern as it should. Mutations in cannabis are not impossible, although sometimes what is needed is simply a little more experience. This is the case in the following image, where the grower states that his “cannabis looks weird“. The dark side of feminized seeds: many growers don’t know what a male is!

You have to admit that, unless you are a seed producer, seeing a closet like this is strange
You have to admit that, unless you are a seed producer, seeing a closet like this is strange

Tons of “resin”

We assure you: you would be shocked by the number of people who confuse trichomes or resin glands with an infection of powdery mildew. That’s what probably happened to this user, who seemed to not even notice the state of his plants and was asking if they were ready to cut. Well yes, they are, and to go straight to the trash too!

No, powdery mildew should not be confused with resin glands
No, powdery mildew should not be confused with resin glands

Problems with fungus?

When the ambient temperature is high and especially if you grow in a greenhouse, you must be especially careful with the appearance of fungi such as botrytis or powdery mildew, not to mention the dreaded root fungi. You apply fungicide preventatives, you ventilate the growing space daily, and you clean it of decomposing plant remains…in short, you worry about the same thing as the user in the following photo, whose main question was how many more weeks of flowering he should give to his plants, and also stated that they were “super resinous”…Another case that makes us think positively about plant euthanasia and its possible compassionate applications.

For the love of Saint Canute, may someone end the suffering of these poor specimens
Please, may someone end the suffering of these poor specimens

Indoor cultivation: cutting-edge technology

The world of indoor cultivation has advanced in leaps and bounds over the past few decades. New LED lamps are more effective than ever, growing cabinets designed down to the smallest detail, ventilation and CO2 supply equipment, aeroponic irrigation systems…technology goes hand in hand with cultivation in the world of marijuana, and many people have cultivation facilities that only a few years ago would have seemed worthy of NASA. However, some clever growers have realized that all this is pure marketing and that the same results can be achieved with some skill and imagination; Their results speak for themselves:

NASA would probably add some modifications to the design
NASA would probably add some modifications to the design

As you have seen after this “gallery of horrors”, we all screw up from time to time, the important thing is to know how to realize exactly what has happened so as not to repeat the same mistakes that have ruined our harvest. And, of course, and above all, taking it with a little humor will do you much better than getting angry or frustrated!

Happy harvest!

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