Caitlyn Jenner Did NOT Like Being Compared To O.J. Simpson After Her Brutal Post!

Damn, this is definitely a case of folks who live in glass houses not being the best choice to throw stones!

You no doubt heard about O.J. Simpson‘s death at the age of 76 on Thursday. We’re guessing you heard right after that what Caitlyn Jenner said about it! The Olympian posted a particularly cold-blooded tweet after the news dropped, writing simply:

“Good Riddance #OJSimpson”

Cait was friends with O.J. and Nicole Brown Simpson back in the day, so you can understand her anger. Not only that, she has a whole history of secretly hating the NFL star, even before the murders, something she admitted in her memoir.

Related: What O.J. Simpson & Kris Jenner Said About Those Khloé Kardashian Rumors!

But tons of folks on X (Twitter) had some rather pointed responses to the incendiary tweet. And no, they weren’t saying Cait should be civil. They were saying she was being a hypocrite seeing as SHE killed someone, too!

“Yo They Said You Murdered Someone Too So Sit This One Out Criminal”

“Not the pot calling the kettle black”

“I’m sure the family of that person you ran over, can’t WAIT to say the same about you!”

“Yall was going body for body”

“You next bitch didn’t you kill somebody with your car?”

“You’re one to talk.”

“You killed somebody too tho”

It went on like that…

Obviously they’re referring to Caitlyn’s 2015 car accident. Just before going public with her transition, she was involved in a fatal three-car accident on the Pacific Coast Highway in which a driver named Kim Howe was killed. While Caitlyn was at fault in the accident, being the rearmost car who didn’t brake soon enough, she ended up avoiding charges for vehicular manslaughter. The DA decided since she wasn’t speeding or doing anything “unreasonable” it wasn’t worth a prosecution.

Unlike O.J. she was never actually tried. But similar to his case? She also was hit with a wrongful death suit. She ended up paying Howe’s family $800k in an out-of-court settlement.

So obviously we’re not talking about murder here, but you can see where folks are getting the comparison. It may not be right, but frankly if you’re going to play hardball on the internet, you have to expect that kind of thing. But Cait couldn’t let it go! She blasted her critics, posting:

“I know you all think it’s cute to compare a fatal car accident (with multiple vehicles involved) to a BRUTAL MURDER… But Remember… OJ said something to the effect of… I could kill her (Nicole) and get away with it bc I’m #OJSimpson”

Obviously that wasn’t convincing for anyone who was calling her out already! They went right back at it, writing things like:

“You still killed somebody and escaped charges.”

“YOU still were the CAUSE of the accident and YOU were the CAUSE of someone’s DEATH AND paid your way out of it. No THAT isn’t cute at all. Hypocrite.”

“‘With multiple vehicles involved’ your vehicle was the cause of it and you still killed somebody and got away with it just like he did. Be quiet”

“i love how you said multiple vehicles as if that distributes the blame when they all wrecked because of YOU”

Hilariously there were a whole other subset of responses though — folks who specifically called out Cait’s jab about O.J.’s comment about being able to get away with it.

They reminded the reality star she supports Donald Trump for president — who said almost the exact same thing!

“Wait til you hear about the guy who said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it…”

“You know.. your orange Jesus said something strikingly similar.”

“Your HERO Trump said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and get away with it.”

We hope for Caitlyn’s sake she logs off for a bit because this is NOT going to get better for her. Social media is not a place for nuance, not even the distinction between murder and causing someone’s death on accident.

[Image via Jimmy Kimmel Live/Full Send Podcast/YouTube.]

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